What is an Occlusal Dental Clinic?

What is an Occlusal Dental Clinic?

An occlusal dental clinic is one that is focused on treating problems that occur with the way the upper and lower teeth fit together when you close your mouth. This is often referred to as a bad bite or malocclusion and can cause symptoms such as unequal tooth wear, abrasion of the gum tissue, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction, and headaches. It can also lead to teeth becoming loose, and the pain and discomfort caused by occlusal disease will only worsen over time.

A balanced and functional occlusion is important for overall oral health because the jaw and its muscles generate incredible force with each bite. When there is an imbalance, the uneven force causes excessive and premature wear on the teeth, abrasion of the gum tissue, damage to the temporomandibular joint, and may even cause the bone to weaken. Over time, this can result in the need for frequent restorative procedures, teeth fracturing, and in some cases, permanent damage to the teeth, bone, and other tissues.

Occlusal disease is often considered a silent oral problem because the early signs of it are easy to ignore or chalk up to normal aging. However, if it is left untreated, it can result in more extensive and expensive treatment for teeth repair or even loss, jaw pain and headaches, and may also affect other parts of the body including the shoulders and neck.

Untreated occlusal disease leads to uneven wear on your teeth which weakens the enamel and increases your risk of cavities. In addition, it can lead to abrasion of the gums, TMJ and jaw muscle pain and stiffness, grinding or clenching (bruxism), and headaches. It can also increase the likelihood of dental fractures and even restrict your bite, making it more difficult to chew and speak clearly. It can also contribute to snoring and sleep apnea.


Signs and Symptoms of Occlusal Disease

The most common symptoms of occlusal disease are popping or clicking sounds in the jaw joints with eating or other jaw movement, aching teeth that are sensitive to temperature changes or with hot or cold foods, limited mouth opening, not being able to bite or open your mouth at all, and not being able to chew or grind food properly. You should visit your dentist as soon as you notice any of these symptoms, especially if they are accompanied by pain or tenderness in the teeth and jaw joints, and if you have had recent dental work done.주걱턱교정

The most common treatment for occlusal disease is called a occlusal adjustment, which involves the restoration of the balance between the biting surfaces of your teeth and the function of the jaw joints. 강남치과 This is accomplished by adjusting the intercuspal contacts (reducing or increasing height or angulation of the contact area and changing the shape/incline of the teeth), excursive contacts (reducing or increasing the distance between the occlusal surfaces) and modifying the incisor relationship. A detailed occlusal examination is completed to detect malocclusions and determine the proper occlusion for the patient’s needs.