What to Expect From a Hair Transplant

a hair transplant

What to Expect From a Hair Transplant

A hair transplant moves healthy hair from a part of your scalp where it grows well to bald or thinning areas that don’t have much hair. It can help give you a fuller head of hair and may make it easier to style your hair.서면모발이식

A dermatologist (a healthcare provider who specializes in conditions that affect the skin) or plastic surgeon can perform a hair transplant. They will want to see photos of your hair before deciding if you are a good candidate for this treatment.

If you decide to go ahead with the procedure, local anesthesia will be used to numb your scalp. You may also be given medicine to relax you. A strip of hairy scalp is removed from the back or side of your head, called the donor area. This is then closed using stitches. The surgeon then separates out individual hairs, usually under magnification or a microscope. These are known as follicular units or grafts.

The surgeon then inserts the follicular units into the bald or thinning parts of your scalp. They might use a machine to do this or they might do it manually, with a surgical tool. During this time you might experience some pain and discomfort, especially around the new hairs as they grow in. You might also have a mild swelling of your scalp and some itching or bleeding.

Most people will need several surgical sessions to get the best results. Your doctor will explain how many sessions you might need and what to expect from each one. You should also discuss the cost with your doctor. Cosmetic surgery isn’t usually covered by health insurance. However, if the hair loss is due to injury or disease, it might be covered.

Several factors can influence the success of your hair transplant, including how thick your existing hair is and whether it’s dark or light in colour. The darker your hair is, the more likely it will be to grow in the new part of your scalp. If your existing hair is thin or fine, you may need to have a larger number of grafts than someone with thicker, coarser hair.

It is also important to have realistic expectations about the outcome of your hair transplant. It will not restore a complete head of full-growth hair, but it can improve the look of your scalp and give you confidence. You should also be aware that your new hair might fall out when it starts to grow in, which is a normal part of the recovery process. If this happens, it should regrow within a few months. It is also possible to experience inflammation or infection of the new hair follicles, which is usually treated with antibiotics and warm compresses. If you think your surgery went wrong, speak to the clinic or surgeon immediately. You can also raise a concern with the Care Quality Commission or the GMC. This article was last updated in April 2021.부산탈모병원